For some people, exercise is a four letter word, and I totally understand why. It can be time-consuming, expensive, and plain, old, boring. But working out is and being active is one of those, you’ll be glad you did it things. As some of you may know, I lost my mom to cancer in 2010. She was very healthy, but this certain type of cancer runs in our family. One of her last lessons to me was that money and physical objects don’t matter, because if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. While there are some things I must do medically to make sure I live the longest and healthiest life possible, there are many things I can do on my own.
My weight fluctuates and it’s actually pretty hard for me to lose actual weight. It’s been tough, but I have come to the realization that I need to listen to my body and how it feels. Working out has become one of my hobbies, and I actually enjoy it. I have been a fitness instructor for almost 5 years, so that adds to the joy I get out of working out. I really love helping people workout and push themselves. My disclaimer is that me teaching is totally different than me working out on my own. With that being said, below, I’ll talk about what classes I TEACH, what classes I TAKE, and what motivates me to workout.
The Classes I Teach and Why I love Them
I have taught ZUMBA for about 5 years and it’s truly a great outlet for me to just let loose! Dance has always been a big part of my life, so it was a natural fit for me. You can’t go wrong with Daddy Yankee, for every.song. Just kidding. Not really…
Last year, I decided to learn a new format, and that’s how I ended up as a barre instructor. Ballet is one of the loves of my life, but honestly, I didn’t think I’d enjoy teaching barre as much as I do. It’s the perfect amount of discipline and toning that I desire from a real ballet class. If you are around the DC/VA area, you can come take one of my classes at Neighborhood Barre Arlington!
The Classes I Take
Along with barre classes at the NB Arlington studio, I workout a lot on my own. It’s my time to zone out and relieve some stress. I have been taking OrangeTheory Fitness classes for over a year and love them. It’s a HIIT workout, where the instructors cycle you through the treadmill, rowing machine, and weights. Your heart rate is posted up on a screen, so you are constantly pushing yourself. The workouts are intense, but I get everything I need out of them – cardio + weights.
In light of my OTF classes, I have put on a decent amount of muscle. I have recently been trying to incorporate more pure cardio into my routine, but it’s so hard. I’m not a natural runner and cycling hurts my boot-ay, but I just have to do it. I am trying to hit up a Zengo Cycle class at least once a week. I can’t ride a normal bike, and a spin bike freaks me out, but I sweat SO MUCH during it, that it must be worth it…I’ll see at the end of this month.
How I Stay Motivated to Workout
I know it can be so hard to get yourself up and moving, so here are some of my tips for staying motivated and getting yourself into great shape!
- Cute workout clothes. This is a no-brainer. When you look good working out, you feel better about yourself. Especially when there are mirrors all around you! Here are some of my favorite workout items.
- Trying new classes and studios. Every class, studio, and instructor is different, so it will take time to find somewhere you really like. Even at the same location, for example NB Arlington, we each have our own style of teaching, so you may prefer one of us over the other, and that is your perogative. Some people think they can just walk into a studio and that will become their forever home, but that’s not how it works! Finding a studio you like is so important, because that means you will come back, over and over again. Don’t be afraid to try a free class and don’t be ashamed to tell them no thank-you to a package or membership.
- Make working out an event. What I mean here is that I need to put working out on my calendar. I book my OTF and cycle classes and then put them into my planner. Sometimes I’ll add in a spontaneous workout here and there, but if I didn’t plan it out, other things will always get in the way. Plus, I can’t workout at home. There are too many distractions and the couch looks too nice. I need to physically leave my home and go to a different location to fully disconnect. If you make working out a part of your plan, I believe you’re more likely to actually do it. And that’s the hardest part of working out, actually getting out the door to just do it.
- Working out solo. I like working out solo. When I’m teaching, I focus on my students, so I like taking classes on my own to zone in on the workout and get the most out of my time. However, I know a lot of people like having a buddy with them to keep them going. You just have to do what works for you!
- Taking rest days! If you do anything too much, you’re going to get sick of it. Plus, your body needs them to physically repair itself. Think about it – if you are constantly working and stretching those muscles, they’re going to hit capacity, strain, and turn on you, quick. If you give them time to rest and recover, they are going to get stronger and be ready to go the next round. Lots of water, some protein, and relaxation will go a long way!
In the end, whether you are taking a spin class everyday, walking during the day, or doing stairs instead of taking the elevator at work, it’s all about being active. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the worst things you can do to yourself, so just get up and get moving! Let me know what workouts you like to do!
– Jacqueline
*Disclaimer – I am not a health expert or a medical doctor, so this information is for entertainment value. Please consult your doctor before taking on any extreme form of exercise, diet, or lifestyle change.*