How is it the middle of May?! My best friend got married last weekend (pictures to come!) and it was so magical – I was her maid-of-honor and it was way more emotional than I thought it would be. Memorial Day Weekend is coming up and then Bryan and I are heading back to Napa! Woohoo! With work being, well, work, I can be so lazy when it comes to putting outfits together. Yes, you may be thinking, uh, hello…you write a FASHION blog…how can you not want to put outfits together??!! Let me clarify myself. I hate spending too much time and energy putting outfits together. Life is busy and there are things to do, places to see, and people to meet. This girl doesn’t have time to rummage through racks of clothes. Hence, my go-tos for looking put together – easy dresses and great accessories.