Sleek Black & Soft Lace

Zara Mixed Media Cardigan (old) – similar here and here
Lace Camisole – love thisthis and this 

Tom Ford ‘Anoushka’ Sunglasses

I am so happy to finally share this look!  It is by far, one of my favorite outfits to throw on when I need something cool, sleek, and comfy to go out in.  An all black look can make your inexpensive pieces look expensive, and I love throwing in a feminine top like this lace camisole to soften up the look.

If I had to pick a Top 10 collection from my closet, this jacket/sweater would definitely make the cute.  The sleeves are a smooth cardigan material, the front and back is faux leather without that plastic-y pleather feel, and the inside feels like suede.  I bought this from Zara last year, so I linked a few similar ones for you guys.

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Easy Weekend Brunch


In my My New Year’s Resolutions post, I said I wanted to pack my lunch for work, in efforts to eat cleaner and save some $$.  Along with that, I really want to cook more.  In my opinion, cooking at home is healthier because you can control what goes into your meal.  But it also just feels better.  I will justify eating multiple helpings of homemade mac ‘n cheese because I know exactly what kind of cheese I put in it.  All 5 kinds.  Not to disappoint, but this post is NOT about mac ‘n cheese.  Another day…

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January Favorites

Burberry Brit perfume

I am still having withdraws from the Holidays – plus, my Christmas tree is still up.  It doesn’t go down until after we celebrate my mom’s memorial and dad’s birthday, so next week, I have a lot of cleaning up to do!

Starting a new year always makes me want to start fresh.  I am embarking on the long journey of cleaning out my closets, and slimming down my collection of, well, stuff.  Bryan calls me a hoarder, and I admit I have some hoarder-tendencies, as I like to keep things that I attach a memory to, and I do that with A LOT of things.  To be honest, I got a bit overwhelmed the other night because I just saw the sheer amount of clothes, makeup, etc., around me.  I just needed a minute.

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My New Year’s Resolutions

Topshop Swing Dress – similar here and here 

Double Strand of Faux Pearls

Happy 2017! Gosh – I know some of us didn’t think this year was ever going to come.  Bryan and I were super lame and decided to stay in and cook dinner.  BUT we did get to see Mariah Carey’s performance LIVE.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Google it.  You are forewarned – it’s brutal.

I am in complete denial that the Holiday season is over.  These past 2 weeks have been so relaxing – early work releases, holiday dinners with friends and loved ones, Christmas in Upstate NY with Bryan’s family, and NYE with my bae (don’t hate me for using that word).  There are more family activities to come, as my mom’s memorial is next weekend, so my aunts, uncles, and cousins with gather for mass to celebrate her life and memory.

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Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is preparing for the New Year!  I am so ready to say deuces to 2016.  There will be a recap of all my holiday festivities soon, but for now, I bring you the Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale.  The Half-Yearly Sale occurs twice a year, in December and May, so it is perfect timing to pick up some goodies for the winter months OR to spend some of that Christmas cash, if you were so lucky.

Did I mention one of my goals for 2017 is to be fiscally responsible?  Perfect timing.  Not.  Oh well, I will just have to window shop and share my picks with you all in hopes that you will buy something pretty and think of me… 🙂

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