Happy Friday everyone! As I am writing this, I am struggling because of the East to West Coast time change. Three hours does not seem like a big difference, but oof…I can totally feel it! My cousin’s husband lives San Francisco temporarily and she and my niece Lily are also here from Iowa. B is flying in tonight from Hong Kong, so it is a mini Family trip!
This week was a whirlwind and it started off Sunday with some blog picture taking, working out with Yelp at Pilates ProWorks in Old Town, Alexandria, and then brunch at Hen Quarter. I highly recommend the chicken and waffles. A pit stop at Killer E.S.P. for some of their infamous caffeine was a must. I got the green tea latte, so yum! For your information, E.S.P. stands for espresso, sorbet, and pie, and they of course, have all three!
Two-a-day barre classes on Monday and Tuesday killed my glutes and Zumba on Wednesday was on point! Work flew by as I was trying to get a bunch of things done before I left. I packed last minute for this trip, so who even knows what is in my suitcase…we’ll have to see what I pull together!
I have been fighting allergies all week and of course, I woke up yesterday to get ready for my flight and had a full-on cold! So NOT what I needed before a 6 hour flight. But oh I was so lucky to not have anyone sitting in the seat next to me, so I was able to spread out and relax.
We are about to head out to some local wineries and Tomorrow, we leave for Napa! The itinerary is packed full of good wine and good food, and I worked sooo hard on it. Fingers crossed everything goes well!