Happy 2017! Gosh – I know some of us didn’t think this year was ever going to come. Bryan and I were super lame and decided to stay in and cook dinner. BUT we did get to see Mariah Carey’s performance LIVE. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Google it. You are forewarned – it’s brutal.
I am in complete denial that the Holiday season is over. These past 2 weeks have been so relaxing – early work releases, holiday dinners with friends and loved ones, Christmas in Upstate NY with Bryan’s family, and NYE with my bae (don’t hate me for using that word). There are more family activities to come, as my mom’s memorial is next weekend, so my aunts, uncles, and cousins with gather for mass to celebrate her life and memory.
As for New Year’s resolutions, there are many schools of thought. Some may think resolutions are silly because they only last a week, while some may support the making of goals and to-do’s. I am somewhere in the middle. Personally, I like to make a list of general goals/themes I would like to incorporate into my overall life and then a list of more specific goals that can be accomplished day to day or week to week.
Here’s a sneak peak of my daily/weekly goals:
Drink at least 4 cups of water a day – I am so bad about drinking water, but a cute water bottle with a straw helps! Check these out – two fill-ups gets me to almost 5, so if I can do that everyday, my body will thank me. I know they say females should drink about 8 to 9 cups of water a day, but I know myself, and that is not happening. I am all about making attainable goals.
Pick up a book/magazine at least once a week – I read a lot at work, and I mean, A LOT. Because of that, I don’t really pick up reading outside of work. But I LOVE fashion magazines (duh) and thriller reads. I need to make it point to make progress on my books and slim down the stacks on stacks of magazines I have at home.
Pack my lunch 4/5 days of the work week – This may be a super random goal, but it saves so much money to pack my lunch! I want to find a bunch of easy and healthy recipes that I can make on Sunday night, so that I can have lunch Monday through Thursday. Grab and go lunch in the morning?? How great will that be! For Christmas, I got Cravings by Chrissy Teigan, so I hope to find some yummy dishes!
Ok, ok, these may be super boring goals, but I feel that incorporating these changes into my daily and weekly life, will help my achieve some of my yearly, and let’s be honest, life-long goals – be both physically and mentally healthy, and be fiscally responsible.